USA Swimming / Safe Sport - Parent Code of Conduct Agreement

Applicable to: High School Prep - Ripcurrent Waves - Bronze Riptides - Bronze Ripples - Bronze Home School - Ripples Home School - Waves Riptides - Silver Waves - Silver Ripples - Silver Riptides - Gold Home School - Riptides Ripples - Gold Tsunamis Waves - Gold Home School - Ripcurrent

USA Swimming & HVA Current | Parent Code of Conduct Policy



● All USA Swimming athlete parents and guardians


General Requirements

As a Parent of the HVA Current, I will abide by the following code of conduct:

● Commit to the HVA Current's Mission, the HVA Current's Vision, and demonstrate the Current's values of TEAM, Integrity, Grit, Excellence, Respect, and Sportsmanship.

● Practice teamwork with all parents, swimmers, and coaches by supporting the values of cooperation, loyalty, commitment, and hard work.

● Refrain from coaching or instructing the team or any swimmer at training sessions or meets (from the stands or any other area) or interfering with coaches on the pool deck.

● Demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting myself in a manner that earns the respect of my child, other swimmers, parents, officials, and coaches at meets and practices.

● Enjoy involvement with the HVAC team by supporting the swimmers, coaches, and other parents with positive communications and actions.

● Maintain self-control at all times and know my role. Swimmers - swim, Coaches - coach, Officials - officiate, Parents - parent.

● Communicate with the coaching staff either before or after a swim practice or meet session.

● Hold questions or concerns regarding decisions made by meet officials or coaches during meets until the end of the meet session. Direct questions to a member of the HVAC coaching staff only.

● Express problems with any coach, swimmer, parent, or official within HVAC immediately to your child's coach first. If that is unsatisfactory, bring it to the attention of the head coach. If you're still not satisfied with the response, then submit in writing a formal complaint to the HVAC executive board. All such issues must be documented, signed, and dated.

● Refrain from using audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone camera, in changing areas, restrooms, locker rooms, or on the pool deck.

● Refrain from consuming alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs at any HVAC event.

● Comply with the HVAC social media and electronic communication policies, which can be found in the HVAC Policy Handbook.


HVAC will not tolerate sexual harassment or intolerance of any kind, including but not exclusive to harassing others because of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and/or sexual orientation/identification.



The purpose of a code of conduct for parents is to establish consistent expectations for behavior by parents. As a parent/guardian, I understand the important growth and developmental support that my child’s participation fosters. I also understand that it is essential to provide the coaching staff with respect and the authority to coach the team. I agree with the following statements: 


I will set the right example for our children by demonstrating sportsmanship and showing respect and common courtesy at all times to the team members, coaches, competitors, officials, parents, and all facilities. 

I will get involved by volunteering, observing practices, cheering at meets, and talking with my child and their coach about their progress. 

I will refrain from coaching my child from the stands during practices or meets. 

I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward coaches, officials, volunteers, and/or any participating swimmer will not be tolerated. 

I will respect the integrity of the officials. 

I will direct my concerns to first to the HVAC Head Coach; then, if not satisfied, to the appropriate supervisor. 

Parents who exhibit sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate behavior will be faced with consequences. 

I understand the above expectations and that my failure to adhere to them may result in disciplinary action. 


________________________________________                         ______________ 

*Parent/Guardian’s Signature                                                            Date

________________________________________                         ______________ 

*Parent/Guardian’s Signature                                                            Date

* Agreement may be signed digitally through the Team Registration process.